Friday, January 9, 2009

Xylitol: The Natural Way to Fight Tooth Decay

There have been many studies linking those who chew sugar free gum after snacks and meals to a significant reduction in tooth decay. The reasoning behind this claim makes sense; chewing stimulates saliva, and stimulated saliva has the properties to halt tooth decay. The problem is that most of us eat too much sugar for our saliva alone to keep dental caries in check, and many sugar substitutes can cause digestive problems in large amounts, amongst other problems.

Xylitol, a naturally occurring sweetener found in berries, fruit, vegetables, mushrooms, and industrially harvested from birch wood, has been proven the best sweetener for teeth. The dental benefits of xylitol have been studied extensively in Finland, where practically all chewing gum contains the sweetener. Eating regular sugar directly feeds plaque, which produce acids that dissolve the enamel on one’s teeth. Called an “Acid Attack”, the bacteria in one’s mouth continue to produce these acids for at least a half hour after eating. Taking xylitol directly after a meal stimulates saliva and provides additional protection against plaque, which effectively stops the acid attack. Plus, it tastes as sweet as sugar!

For more information, check out A great way to get your recommended dose of xylitol (4 to 12 grams a day) is by chewing Spry gum. Spry comes in three great flavors, Fresh Fruit, Peppermint, and Green Tea, and is 100% sweetened by xylitol. Blog readers will receive a 5% discount off the purchase of any one tub of Spry gum!

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